Wednesday, June 27, 2012


The two bigger species from my order are the Cuckoo and the Ani. Today, I will be looking at the reproductive behavior of these species.

There are varied similarities and differences between the Cuckoos and Anis.
Similarities include:
Mating Choice, Life History and Developmental Mode:
Cuckoos and Anis are both diurnal birds, which means that they call both at night and during the day. Their call can be secretive and is used for attracting mates. Since there is no sexual dimorphism among the cuckoos or anis, the birds have to rely on the call to attract mates. Singing during the day and night helps increasing the chances of finding mates for these birds.

Cuckoos and Anis live approximately for 5-6 years.

Both Cuckoos and Anis are atricial.

Mating Systems:
Both Cuckoos and Anis display monogamy as their mating systems. However, the nesting patterns for both species varies drastically.
Cuckoos are considered to be brood parasites. Brood parasitism means that the female lays her eggs in the nest of a bird of a different species, most often Passerines in the case of cuckoos. The female often lays a single egg, the same size and color as the host's eggs to camoflague her egg. Due to this, the egg is incubated and hatched by a bird of a different species.

Often Cuckoo chicks are bigger than the host species and compete for the parent's food by pushing the host eggs or even host chicks out of the nests to ensure greater nutrition

Anis on the other hand are monogamous and raise their own young in their own nests. Young are cared for by both males and females.


  1. Wow those pictures of the chicks are amazing! Its a little scary though!

  2. I thought they were a bit scary too! Isnt it crazy that even at that age, they have the capability to toss out the other eggs and chicks?
