Friday, June 29, 2012


The absence of the cuckoo is extremely noticeable in the UK. Since the 1980s the cuckoo population has dropped by 65%. It is postulated that the drop is due to the absence of the host the cuckoos use to lay their eggs. Cuckoos spend their winter months in Africa and migrate to the UK in the summer to breed and lay eggs. Since they lay their eggs in host nests, the decline in the population of their hosts has led to a decline in the cuckoo population to the point of endangerment.
Other reasons for the endangered condition of the cuckoo can be attributed to the lack of prey, climate changes during the summers or issues during migration paths.


  1. What species of birds do cuckoos in Europe parasitize?

  2. The European Common Cuckoo can use around a 100 different species as hosts. Most common include Pipits, European Robins and Bramblings, sometimes even warblers!
